The Science and Technology (S&T) applicable to aircraft compatibility is a rapidly expanding field. The Air Force SEEK EAGLE Office (AFSEO) is looking for researchers to address unique and creative solutions to develop predictive capability of complex mechanical, aerodynamic, acoustical, and electrical phenomena, dynamics and interactions where little or no capability exists, and for advancing models, simulation and analysis in support of all aspects of aircraft-store compatibility beyond those currently in use. We are seeking ideas that may be used to develop next generation algorithms, tools, techniques and methodologies, to be leveraged against the many aspects of aircraft compatibility evaluation. The intent is to facilitate a collaborative and seamless transition of digital tools among the Research, Development, Test and Evaluation (RDT&E), acquisition and system engineering communities while significantly enhancing the value of increasingly limited test resources. Key areas of study include, but are not limited to, aircraft-weapon integration and aero-structural compatibility, Electromagnetic Environmental Effects (E3), Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD), cavity flows, aero-elasticity, structures and loads, Stability and Control (S&C), store separation and fly-out, and advanced analytics and Machine Learning (ML), including Natural Language Processing (NLP) able to ingest and understand the content and logic of AFSEO data.