AEDC Hypervelocity Wind Tunnel 9 provides unique ground test capability that is currently in high demand for development of next generation advanced hypersonic interceptors. A major area of interest is aero-optics testing in Tunnel 9's Mach 7 facility. The researcher will work with technical staff to develop and improve aero-optic measurement systems tailored to the unique and challenging Mach 7 wind tunnel environment. This may include:
• Investigation of sources that can generate low look angles and how these can be implemented into tunnel 9 facility (laser induced breakdown, FLEET, fiber optics), including investigation of various wavelengths from visible to infrared
• Development of wave front analysis methodologies to address the decoupling of measured aero-optic effects into the facility generated effects and the quantities of interest for seeker development
• Investigation of aero-optic measurement techniques and best practices that improve wave front data obtained in ground test facilities such as Tunnel 9
Research is supported through AEDC Hypervelocity Wind Tunnel 9 (White Oak) located in Silver Spring, Maryland; hybrid/remote work arrangements are desirable