U.S. Air Force Research Lab Summer Faculty Fellowship Program

U.S. Air Force Research Lab Summer Faculty Fellowship Program

U.S. Air Force Research Lab Summer Faculty Fellowship Program

Detailed Instructions

Create Applicant Profile (for first-time applicants). Returning applicants can update their profile as needed.

Please review Eligibility before starting an application. You will need to enter your contact and demographic information to create your application profile. Demographic information is used for aggregate reporting. It will not be provided to the review panel.

Application: Select Session

Select the year for which you are applying from the dropdown menu. Each time you log-in you will need to select the session year before you will be able to edit your application.

Note: If you participated this year and are applying for next year, you must complete all your final paperwork from this year before you can start an application for next year.

Application: Select a Program

Search Research Topics or View Topics by Research Site. You may apply to a maximum of two research topics per year. If applying for two topics, each requires a separate complete application submission, reference letters, and research proposal submitted using different email addresses.

Application: Position

You will need to provide your present employment information. If you are applying with a graduate student, you will need to provide their contact information, birth country and country of citizenship.

After discussing and agreeing upon a proposed start and end date with the research topic advisor, enter a proposed month to start your fellowship, as well as the proposed number of continuous weeks (minimum of eight and a maximum of twelve weeks) to complete your fellowship

Proposed start month and number of weeks are not guaranteed. Please keep in mind leave is not permitted during the program. If you are applying with a graduate student, their start and end dates cannot be outside of yours.

Application: Research

You will need to provide a Statement of Academic Benefit of how your participation in the SFFP will benefit teaching and research activities at your home academic institution (e.g. new courses, new curricula, new research projects). There are no length requirements but typically, statements are one to two pages.

If you have previously participated in SFFP, list the year(s) you participated, and your previous research advisor(s).

Upload you research proposal as a PDF file. If bringing a student, include student application Graduate Student Application Form in the same PDF as your proposal.

Proposal Format:

  • No longer than 3000 words not including references (approximately 4 single-spaced pages)
  • PDF format
  • Standard font no smaller than 12-point font.
  • Your full name at the top of each page.
  • Page number at the bottom of each page

Proposal Content:

  • Statement of problem
  • Background and relevance to previous work
  • General methodology and procedure to be followed
  • Explanation of new or unusual techniques
  • Expected results and their significance and application
  • Literature citations where appropriate
  • Graduate Student Application (if applicable)

The research topic advisor will be notified of your proposal to review and either approve or reject it within the application site. Please discuss your research proposal with the research advisor first before submitting it.

Application: References

You will need to provide contact information for three references. Your references will receive an email from AFSFFP.PMO@sysplus.com with a link to submit their reference letter online in the application site. Please contact your reference and ask them to look out for an email from AFSFFP.PMO@sysplus.com, and to check their spam folder.

One reference letter must be your Dean or Department Head. If you have participated in SFFP in the past three years, one reference letter must be your previous SFFP research advisor.

You can log into your application to see if your references have submitted their letters. You will not be able to submit your application until all reference letters are received.

Application: Curriculum Vitae

A standard Curriculum Vitae (CV), supplemented if necessary to cover all items listed below is acceptable provided that refereed articles are listed separately from lesser publications:

  • Colleges attended, with dates of attendance and degrees received, field, and titles of theses and dissertations
  • Chronology of professional employment and significant academic and professional activities
  • List of publications: List refereed journal articles separately from reports, abstracts, paper in conference proceedings, etc.
  • Research experience
  • Courses taught
  • List of current contract or grant activities: Please include title, funding source, funds per year, principal investigator, and the percentage of time charged to the contract or grant in the last year.

The Curriculum Vitae upload is required. The other uploads in this section; Conferences, Formal Citation, Patents and/or Inventions, Presentations, Publications are optional.

The optional uploads should be summary lists, not the primary sources. E.g., you may upload a list of presentations you have made, please do not upload the presentation slides. Formal Citation should be information about your research being cited by other sources, such as a PDF of your Google Scholars page.

Application Submission

The deadline for application submission is October 31 at 11:59 PM EST.

  1. All required fields are completed by Applicant,
  2. Proposal Submission Review/Response received by Lab Advisor, and
  3. All three References have responded/uploaded required information.