Participants in the program are expected to perform analysis of complex nonlinear systems, the nature of which is subject to his or her choice.
Topics of special interest will be given priority, such as, for example: atmospheric propagation of laser arrays through deep turbulence with application to targeting and destroying enemy missiles; modeling of biological and physiological systems, including sensory and cognitive behaviors of the central neural system; pattern recognition; the spread and control of pandemics; the treatment of disease by medication, radiation or other therapies; ecological and environmental studies, including predictions of climate change and its effects; political, social and economic system modeling, etc.
New mathematical and/or computational methods are sought, e.g. based on neural-net techniques, but the features in the models of nonlinearity, feedback, scaling capacity and complexity, massive interconnectivity, or others relevant to the proposed subject, are desired. Phenomena of interest include bifurcations and instabilities, chaos, and self-organization, but mathematical models should be founded on empirical precedent.